Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Don't Know, Don't Care

"I Don't Know"
I am a huge fan of those three words. I even think the majority of problems in the world are because of the human inability to say and accept those three words. Religion. Taking sides in an argument. The right choice. These little red bumps that keep appearing on my back of my right hand. (I will never know.) "I Don't Know" is a good, solid and 100% truthful answer to many of life's questions and most people are not egoless enough to accept. And some are too butthole-clenched-controlling to trust the COMFORT those words  bring.
We are so hard-wired to be problem solvers. Find the correct answer.  And we have to be RIGHT! Oh Jesus on a pogo stick, people have to be right all the time, don't they? In a tricky debate, we feel pressure to choose a side.  And then be RIGHT about it!!
"What do you believe?"
I uhhh, uh, I haven't really done all the research, I kinda see both sides, it's pretty complicated ...
"Not good enough. Pick a side. Be with us or be against us. Control. Control!"
Then people just pick one that agrees with their level of intelligence, throw all their eggs in that basket, wear the cape of its colors, stomp a foot and announce, "THIS is what I've chosen to believe! I'm still confused about most of it, don't quote me on any of it - but I chose it and I will defend it to its death! Plus! This person I hate believes in the OTHER thing so I'm TOTALLY into THIS! And I'm RIGHT! I'm right, you're wrong, I'm right!"
Unfortunately, that's how I judge anyone with unrelenting convictions on broad, cosmic, sensitive, opinion-based issues. These hyper little wheel-spinners exhaust me.
I'm not saying I'm always a fence-straddler, but I'm definitely not a band-wagoner. I will not follow blindly and if I don't know how I feel about  a subject, no matter how important or sensitive or political or after-life-ish... my answer is I DON'T KNOW. And then I go back to Web MD-ing these little bumps on my hand for a few more hours instead of going to see a Doctor.
But to top that. The three words that I like EVEN more than "I Don't Know" ...are "I DON'T CARE."
Because I usually, genuinely, seriously do not care about whatever "hot topic" you are going on and on about. Doesn't affect me or my life, personally. Not my chair, not my problem. I don't care. I've got enough going on. Go beat your head against someone else's wall and when you're bruised an exhausted, ask yourself, "Why do YOU care?"  You probably don't know.

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